Owner Documents His Pup’s Stunning Fur Transformation, And People Online Can’t Get Enough

Meet Buster, a dog with a story that’s way more interesting than your average pup’s fetch-and-nap routine. Over the past few years, this furry canine has gone through some wild changes that had people talking. Thanks to his dad’s dedication, Buster’s epic glow-up has been captured in a series of rather derpy-looking photos.

That being said, we suggest that you Pandas should definitely stick around to see Buster’s incredible transformation.

This is Buster when he was all black, looking sleek and cool! He’s a fun-loving 4-year-old dog who enjoys every bit of life

One day, Buster started losing some of his black fur

Little by little it was the black was starting to get replaced with white fur

This happened because of a skin condition called vitiligo

For a while, it looked like he had a patchy design, with both black and white spots all over

Here Buster is mostly white, and his old black fur is nearly gone

Buster’s owner explained to us that, “There was a point in time where he was balding in areas until his fresh, fluffy white fur grew in”

At times, the condition gave him a funny look as the transformation took place between November 2021 to April 2024

Here’s Buster now, looking super fluffy with his full white coat! It took some time, but the result is pawsome!