Decades-Old Missing Woman Case Is Solved

No Trace

Forty years ago, a man dropped his wife off at the doctor’s office. A few hours later, the husband comes back to pick his wife up–only his wife wasn’t there. There was no sign or trace of the woman having been at the doctor’s office even. It was as if she simply vanished from the face of the earth.

He tried to recall if he had made other plans with his wife. But it was clear–he was to come back here in a couple of hours and meet her there so they could go home together. For forty years, no one knew what happened or could give him an answer. It would take nearly half a century, one word, and a photo to finally solve this disappearance.

The Missing Lady

Florence Stevens, known as Flora, was last seen by her spouse on August 3, 1975. The 36 year old was an active and healthy young woman, who enjoyed life to the fullest. Her doctor’s appointment was nothing serious–she felt the first signs of flu and wanted to do a routine checkup.

And yet, the most shocking and tragic of disappearance cases often occur when people least expect it; when they feel the safest. In a world filled with uncertainty, such mysteries serve as stark reminders of life’s unpredictability. Families are left searching for answers, and communities are left in disbelief.

Her Employer

At the time she went missing, Flora worked at a resort in the Catskill mountains called The Concord. It was a large sprawling holiday location boasting 1 200 rooms. Being so large, it was the go-to resort for most tourists wanting a break in the Catskills. People from all over the country would flock to the resort during the summertime, where the idyllic views were a sight to see and people could blow off steam with family and friends.

At The Concord, Flora was a beloved staff member known for her warm smile and exceptional customer service. Her sudden disappearance sent shockwaves through the tight-knit resort community, leaving everyone puzzled and concerned about her well-being. The Catskill mountains, with their serene beauty, held secrets that were now shrouded in uncertainty.

Past Information Collected

Her job application to The Concord stated that Flora was a student at Lincoln High School in the past and that she was married to Robert Stevens. This rather bare information and profile did not provide much in the way of leads in relation to her disappearance though. Apart from that, there was not much else on the application that detectives could use to build a profile of her.

 If they were going to build a proper case. Detectives faced a daunting task, with Flora’s past offering little insight into her mysterious disappearance. They knew that unraveling this puzzle required digging deeper, exploring her recent activities, connections, and any potential leads that might shed light on the case.

Reporting her Missing

In any case, the authorities felt it prudent to open a missing person’s case for Flora. All who knew Flora were really puzzled by the events that August day. Flora was well-liked and no one could imagine anyone wanting to harm her. She was also not the type of person to leave without telling anyone. 

This was all completely out of character her to just disapper. As days turned into weeks, the concern deepened. The community rallied together, conducting search efforts and sharing information across the region. Hope and worry mingled as they desperately sought answers, determined to unravel the mystery surrounding Flora’s inexplicable disappearance.

No Progress On The Case

If experts were already struggling to rationalize Flora’s disapperance, themore baffling thing was that experts were struggling to understand what happened too. The police were stumped and often ended up with dead ends and investigators were running out of clues to go on with. Flora also has no living relatives in the area, so getting  more personal information on her past, was impossible. 

The case looked like it may go cold as those working on it began to lose hope. It seemed like there was nothing for them to stoke the flames of their investigation with. Despite the grim outlook, the investigators refused to give up. They expanded their search, reaching out to neighboring communities, and revisited potential leads. The mystery of Flora’s disappearance continued to haunt them, fueling their determination to uncover the truth, no matter how elusive it seemed.

Would There Ever Be Closure?

Inevitably, the case went cold. Flora was simply going to be one of those missing people who would never be found and whose family would never get the closure they needed to move on. This was a heartbreaking and tragic way to leave a missing person’s case, but no one else knew what to do. 

None of those involved would imagine that the case would be reopened decades later. Decades passed, but the memory of Flora’s disappearance lingered in the hearts of those who cared. Little did they know that the passage of time would bring new technology and fresh eyes to the case, eventually reigniting hope for answers and closure.

A New Lead Investigator

Years down the line, in 2017, new developments would lead to authorities reopening the case, thanks to Yan Salomon, a New York State Senior Police Investigator. Despite not having any knowledge of the old missing person case, he had come across some vital information that could potentially blow the old cold case wide open.

He was the right person at the right time, and despite decades having passed since Flora’s disappearance, real answers could finally bring this case some real closure. Yan Salomon’s dedication and fresh perspective injected renewed energy into the investigation. With modern tools and a relentless spirit, he set out to unravel the mysteries surrounding Flora’s disappearance, offering the long-awaited hope of closure to her loved ones.

Many Questions Were About To Be Answered

Flora’s husband and friends never stopped following her case and had so many questions. They were desperate to finally get the momentum going, perhaps for the first time. Was she alive or hurt? Where had she been all this time? 

There was a good chance that Flora had met some terrible fate, but that did not diminish the family’s hopes. Their enduring hope was a testament to the love and determination of Flora’s husband and friends. Despite the grim possibilities, they clung to the belief that answers were within reach, and that Flora’s fate could finally be revealed, bringing both closure and solace to their hearts.


Any hope that they harbored however would soon be dashed. Yen, unfortunately, found skeletal remains–which he needed help identifying. If this was Flora, this meant that she had died a long time ago and while there was closure, they can’t help but feel their hearts breaking. 

The discovery of skeletal remains was a devastating blow to Flora’s husband and friends. Despite the anguish of confirming her death, it also brought a sense of closure. Now, they could finally lay her to rest, honoring her memory and finding a measure of peace amidst their broken hearts.

Reaching out to His Colleagues

The investigator made some calls to the sheriff’s office in Sullivan County. He had some dire information to express to the detectives, and this was not going to be an easy conversation. Still, this was an experienced professional who was a veteran of all manner of grizzly cases and tragic conclusions. 

He told a detective there, that human remains had been found in the Catskills and he would greatly appreciate their assistance in identifying them. The detective on the other end of the line, hardened by years of similar grim conversations, listened carefully. He assured Yan Salomon that they would provide all necessary assistance in identifying the human remains. Both investigators understood the gravity of the situation, and their shared commitment to solving this decades-old mystery drove them forward.

A Place To Start

In January 2016, there were 21 894 active female missing person cases in the USA. All cases that went cold were kept in storage and all investigators were able to access the information in these files regardless of their jurisdiction. Yen’s plan meant that any officer could simply access the database if they were prompted to pick up an old investigation once more.

It was going to prove to be an overwhelming task that he was determined to take on. Yan knew that tackling the vast database of cold cases was a monumental undertaking, but he remained resolute in his determination. With technology and teamwork, he aimed to breathe new life into forgotten cases, offering hope to countless families who had long yearned for answers about their missing loved ones.

Looking For Her

Yen put together a team that would go through these 21000 odd files and looks for similarities to the remains discovered. He hoped the teams’ findings would lead to them to identifying the deceased. This was no easy or straightforward task for the crew, however, as it still meant poring over seemingly endless reams of information. 

It seemed like their leads were taking them on detour after detour. The investigative team persevered through the labyrinth of data, navigating countless detours and setbacks. Their dedication remained unshaken as they meticulously sifted through the files, determined to piece together the puzzle and bring closure to a long-standing mystery.

The Site of the Discovery

Whilst his team poured over the cold case files back home, Yen traveled to Sullivan County to conduct a personal investigation. He planned to do local searches in an attempt to identify the woman. Although the missing person database was an incredibly powerful and far-reaching resource, nothing beat a good old-fashioned hands-on investigation, where Yen could directly and physically investigate all the leads that had previously gone nowhere. 

Picking up where the detectives had left off all those years ago would take some time, however. Yan Salomon understood that this hands-on approach might be the key to unraveling the mystery. He was prepared for the long and patient journey ahead, determined to follow every lead and explore every avenue, no matter how much time it would take.

Mysterious Discoveries

In the course of his investigation, Yen had determined that the woman whose remains he had found, came from the Sullivan County area. He hoped to get further confirmation of this himself. He found that years ago, Sullivan County had an open case that had similarities to his. You might think that Yen was grasping at straws, but he had solved cases before this one with rather tenuous ties. 

Yan Salomon’s intuition had served him well in the past, and he trusted his instincts. The similarities between the cases fueled his determination to explore this lead further, even if it seemed like grasping at straws. He knew that sometimes, it was those tenuous connections that held the key to solving the most challenging mysteries.

Searching for Clarification

At this point, Yen had a particular woman in mind and asked the Sullivan County detectives to show him her file. He specifically wanted information on the woman’s relatives so he could further his investigation by interviewing them. Even though all those connected to the woman in question would have been quite old by now, with perhaps some of them deceased, he was sure that he would be able to find someone that mattered. 

It did not cross his mind that the woman may not have had any. Yan Salomon’s determination led him down this path, driven by the belief that even a slender thread of connection could unravel the mystery. He was prepared to explore every possibility, no matter how slim, in his relentless pursuit of answers.


The file was old and dated back to 1975. It seemed like there was little to go on, but Yen was determined to see this through and find something relevant. During his search, something caught Yen’s eye, and that he felt he needed to follow through. Finally, he found something that he felt like could move this whole case forward. 

Yan Salomon’s persistence paid off as he unearthed a crucial piece of information hidden within the old file. It was a small clue, but it held the potential to be the breakthrough he had been searching for. With renewed hope, he set out to follow this lead, convinced that it could finally propel the case forward, shedding light on the decades-old mystery.

Solving The Puzzle

In the course of investigating Flora’s case decades ago, a lot of details were inevitably shoved under the rug. This appeared to be one of them–and it was proving to be a relevant one. At some point over the years, Flora’s work ID had been added to the file without anyone noticing, it seemed. It was found at the same location where the alleged human remains Yen was trying to identify.

Definitely a coincidence that could not be overlooked–and at this point, Yen Stevens knew he was close to solving the mystery. Yan Salomon couldn’t ignore the significance of this discovery. The inclusion of Flora’s work ID in the same location as the potential remains was no mere coincidence. It was a critical link that promised to bring clarity to the long-standing mystery, fueling Yen’s determination to unravel the truth and provide closure to Flora’s loved ones.

Expansive Search

While the police had been forced to end their search for Flora due to a lack of evidence,  Flora’s husband, her dedicated partner had never given up on her. Flora’s husband organized search parties and handed out thousands of flyers in an attempt to locate her. He had spent endless hours scouring the world for his long-lost wife. 

Flora’s husband’s unwavering dedication was a testament to the strength of their love. He refused to let the absence of evidence deter him from the search for his missing wife. His tireless efforts included organizing search parties, distributing countless flyers, and investing countless hours into finding her, a pursuit driven by a deep and enduring love that transcended the challenges of time and circumstance.

How Would Morgan Revive The Case

Detective Morgan, who had been assisting Yen in his effort to identify the remains, had no way to prove that it was Flora’s remains either. It seemed like there was still very little to go on, but it Morgan had an ace up his sleeve. He was confident that the case was not unsolvable, and that there was still some hope to be found. 

Detective Morgan’s confidence stemmed from his experience and determination. He believed that with persistence and the right leads, they could overcome the challenges and ultimately solve the mystery surrounding the unidentified remains, offering hope and closure to Flora’s loved ones.

Everyone Has A Social Security Number…

As Morgan was perusing hundreds of databases looking for evidence, he discovered that someone was using Flora Stevens’ social security number! Could there have been an identity thief? Detective Morgan’s heart raced as he stumbled upon a startling revelation in his relentless search. 

Flora Stevens’ social security number was being used, raising the possibility of identity theft. The discovery injected new urgency into the investigation, as they now had a potential lead to follow. Morgan knew that uncovering the truth was within reach, and he was determined to pursue this fresh avenue, no matter where it might lead, in their quest to solve the mystery surrounding Flora’s disappearance. 

Tracking the ID Thief

Morgan did not waste any time getting down to tracking the possible identity thief. He was able to quickly establish who was using Flora’s identity, and where they were. After tracing the number to north Boston, Morgan confirmed that a person living in an old age home was using Flora’s social security number. Most people will assume that those that steal identities are murderers or other kinds of criminals trying to fly under the radar.

Detective Morgan’s investigation took an unexpected turn as he confronted the person using Flora’s social security number, a resident of an old age home in North Boston. The common perception of identity thieves as dangerous criminals didn’t seem to hold true in this case. Morgan was now faced with a new mystery: why would someone living in an old age home assume Flora’s identity? This unexpected twist added layers to the puzzle, leaving Morgan determined to unravel the truth and bring closure to the long-standing mystery surrounding Flora’s disappearance.

A Change Of Name

The detective called the old age home. The staff told him that the social security number did belong to a resident named Flora, but that her last name was not Stevens. Their resident was named Flora Harris and she had been living there since 2001.

While it was certain that this false Flora had been using the real one’s identity since the turn of the century, how long had she been using another person’s identity, and how had she acquired it in the first place? Detective Morgan was now confronted with a perplexing mystery within a mystery. The revelation that the imposter was named Flora Harris and had been using the stolen identity for over two decades deepened the intrigue. Morgan knew he had to uncover how and when Flora Harris had acquired this identity, and whether there were any connections to the real Flora Stevens. The case had taken an unexpected twist, and Morgan was determined to untangle the web of deception and bring clarity to both Floras’ stories.

Identity Artifice

As Morgan and his colleague arrived at the old age home in North Boston, they were filled with a mix of anticipation and curiosity. Little did they know that the investigation had taken an unexpected turn, and the true nature of the cold case was far more complex than they had initially believed. With a sense of intrigue and determination, they were prepared to uncover the secrets hidden within the walls of the old age home, unraveling a mystery that had baffled them for so long.

Was This ID theft?

The two detectives had found a lady with the same first name, date of birth, and social security number as a missing person from 1975. Only their last names were different. This was an incredibly strange situation. The police were ready to blow the cover on this operation, and bring whoever had stolen the dead woman’s identity to justice.

The discovery left the detectives in shock, confronted by a bizarre and unsettling situation. Two women sharing identical personal details, with only their last names differing, raised numerous questions. It was evident that this was no ordinary identity theft case, and the authorities were determined to expose the truth behind this enigma. With a growing sense of urgency, they prepared to uncover the hidden motives and bring the identity thief to justice, unravelling the complex web of deception that had shrouded Flora’s case for so long.

Photographic Comparison

The detectives were not completely convinced that this was just a simple case of identity theft either, however. They couldn’t, at this point, discount another possibility. The detectives had brought with them, the only file photo of Flora that they had, just to compare in case the old lady turned out to be the same person.

It was a photo that was on Flora’s work ID found earlier. The detectives’ cautious approach was well-founded, as they couldn’t dismiss the possibility of a deeper, more complex connection. Bringing Flora’s work ID photo was a prudent move, allowing them to compare the elderly lady’s appearance with the younger Flora. It was a crucial step in their quest to unravel the mystery, as they remained open to the possibility of uncovering a hidden link that could shed light on the enigmatic case that had perplexed them for so long.


The detectives nervously entered the old age home and asked to see the mature lady in question. They were led to her private room, where she greeted them warmly. Upon showing the old lady the photo, she pointed at it and said: ‘me’. Just like that! They also showed her a photo of Robert Stevens, Flora’s husband. Her reaction to this was even more extreme, and the detectives knew that they had found Flora Stevens.

The detectives were overcome with a mix of shock and relief as the elderly lady confidently identified herself as Flora Stevens upon seeing the photo. Her recognition of Robert Stevens only confirmed their belief. After years of uncertainty, they had finally located the missing woman. The mystery that had haunted them for so long was now unraveling before their eyes, bringing an unexpected sense of closure and hope.

Flora Finally Found!

The case had been solved, but the detectives still had plenty of pressing questions. Despite finding Flora, the investigators had even more questions. Why did she disappear all these years? Where did she go? But was Flora in any shape to help them? The sad part of this amazing story is that the detectives could not get Flora to explain her disappearance in 1975 as she now had dementia. 

The past 42 years of her life seemed like it will forever be a mystery. The resolution of the case was bittersweet, as the detectives grappled with the realization that Flora’s dementia had robbed her of the ability to shed light on her 1975 disappearance. The questions that had haunted them for decades remained unanswered, and the past 42 years of her life would forever remain shrouded in mystery. Despite finding her, the true story of Flora Stevens remained an enigma, a poignant reminder of the complexities of human experience.

A Not So Loving Marriage

The circumstances of Flora’s disappearance will never be confirmed, but a caregiver at the old age home, named Mabuva, did have a few details to share with the detectives that she had gleaned over the years. As it turned out, Flora had trusted someone with the truth. Flora had disclosed to her before dementia took over her mind, that she had been in an awful marriage that was abusive.

 The marriage led to her having some psychiatric issues later on in life. Mabuva’s revelation provided a glimpse into the tumultuous past that Flora had endured. It offered a possible explanation for her disappearance, shedding light on the challenges she faced in an abusive marriage and the resulting psychiatric struggles that may have played a role in her vanishing act.

Did She Up and Leave?

Despite how desperately and ‘heroically’ Flora’s late husband had tried to find her, who knows what he would have had in store for her if he ever got his hands on her again? The consensus amongst the investigators is that Flora bought a bus ticket and left town so that she could escape from her husband and all that matters now is that Flora is safe.

The investigators couldn’t help but speculate about the harrowing circumstances that might have led Flora to disappear. It was evident that her desperate bid to escape an abusive marriage had driven her to take drastic measures, including leaving town to find safety and freedom. While the exact details of her journey may remain a mystery, the paramount concern was that Flora was now safe and no longer under the shadow of her past, offering a glimmer of hope in an otherwise complex and enigmatic story.