Facts That Might Teach Quite A Lot Of People Something New


If you want to stop and have a chat, you won’t die if you move out of the walkway.


Ctrl Backspace deletes the entire word.


A burial plot is called a graveyard if it’s part of a church lot. It’s called a cemetery if separate.


The only difference between chemistry and biology is life. If it’s alive, it’s biology, if it’s not its chemistry.


Scuba is an acronym, standing for self contained underwater breathing apparatus.


A company called Warner Chappell Music collected licensing fees for use of the song “Happy Birthday to You” all the way until 2015. That’s why characters in movies often sing other songs like “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow” and restaurant chains often have their own birthday songs they sing to customers.


Irukandji jellyfish grow only to about 1 cubic cm in size, but have an incredibly painful sting. One symptom of the sting is a strong impending sense of doom. Victims have begged their doctor to be killed as they were certain they would die anyways.


Bananas are berries, and Antarctica is a desert.


Mammals pee an average of 22 seconds, no matter if mouse or elephant.


Squirrels run faster up trees than on flat surfaces.


Font describes the variation in style in which something is written: size, italic, bold, all caps etc.

Typeface is the variation in the style of letters (Arial, Times New Roman, Comic Sans) that most people refer to as fonts.


Most the people involved in the Hindenburg disaster lived.