Disturbing Facts People Wish They Didn’t Know


Old people move so slow because everything they do hurts. I’m getting old and it’s starting to happen.


I was a social worker. I saw a lot.
The first three weeks, we were in a classroom doing intensive training. Every day, someone would walk out. It wasn’t out of being rude, it’s because each person has a point at which they cannot go any further. They showed us some of the worst. The deal is, they do it for very good reason. If we are so horrified that we refuse to learn about the abuse, how will we recognize it in one of our kids?
That’s what I ask of all adults. PLEASE, if you see something, don’t assume it’s impossible so you can push it out of your mind. A whole lot is possible.


The number one cause of death for pregnant women is domestic violence.


A lot of people in nursing homes will die shortly after family leaves. I’ve had funeral directors tell me this is very accurate. Both my parents did. We were there, left for the night and while gone, they died. It’s like they don’t want to expire in front of anyone.


Chainsaws were invented for medical use, largely for cutting into the pelvis during childbirth in a process called a pelviotomy. And from about 1940 to 1987, approximately 1,500 women were given one in Ireland without their consent, way after they should have switched to C-sections, often to perfect the surgery for use in Africa.

A 2012 study found that many of the victims say the Catholic Church  “encouraged, if not insisted upon, symphysiotomies.”

It took until 2012 for people to begin getting any compensation and the first woman to receive it was subjected to the procedure *post cesarian.* However, they dropped the ball so hard on addressing it afterwards that the survivor’s group of these women had to go to the UN Committee Against Torture to get anything else done.

Some babies were also killed in the process.


You ever use bleach without gloves, and it gets kinda slimy?

That slime isn’t the bleach. It’s your skin melting.


There’s an extremely high chance that Boeing executives contracted a hit on one of their former employees for being a whistleblower and basically the public response (other than a few angry social media posts) has been “well, yeah, that’s just what happens…”.


ER Doc here

A lot of people know when they are about to die, even if they don’t know why. Just instinctual, they even say it very calmly and knowingly “I’m gonna die.” Or something similar. And then they code. 

Or. They say they have to go the bathroom. Then code. 

I am dead serious.


We don’t know the effects of micro plastics on the human body, partially because we can’t find a control group.


Bus seats are designed so that you can’t tell how dirty they are


The fact that the “couple” down the street from me with 3 kids are not husband and wife. They are in fact brother and sister.

Yes I know it for fact I went to grammar school with them.


That Munmorah power plant in Australia was allowed to operate for decades with a significant diesel leak in an underground reservoir that contaminated the water table. When demolishing the plant you could light the sand that surrounded the tank on fire (about 50 meters each way), and if you dug lower than the sea level anywhere within a I guess about a 1km radius you could smell diesel.

It’s a high fishing surfing area. That was far from the only contaminant. Pfas, Pfos, chromium, etc. People live very close to it. People eat the fish for years from the hot water outlet. (Was a super popular “secret” fishing spot)

Also during the demolition there was lots of contaminated water collected – This was sent through a filtration process and pumped into the ocean. It had multiple sediment filters and a water/oil separator. I do not believe it was adequate filtration before it was sent back into the sea.

No one seems to know. I only know because I was part of the works post operation.

Makes me wonder how many heavy industrial entities got to do who knows what and get away with it.